
Are Microgreens Safe for Pets (Cats, Dogs)? – Suitable & Harmful Microgreens for Pets

Microgreens are safe for cats and dogs as it will help with digestion and specially it helps to eliminate indigestible debris like feathers bones etc

Have you noticed your pets munching on the microgreens? Don’t worry, everything will be alright.

Cats are stringent “meat eaters” since they are obligatory carnivores. Dogs, like humans, fall between the omnivore and carnivore categories.

Read Here: Can Rabbits Eat Microgreens?

However, both cats and dogs will occasionally eat some fresh greens to aid digestion. Cats have even been known to beg for greens!

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Yes, microgreens are fine for dogs and cats to eat, especially the younger, sensitive, and leafy varieties. Despite the fact that they, like us, are unable to digest plant portions, consuming microgreens can aid digestion and provide critical nutrients not found in meat. In addition, ingesting microgreens aids un the elimination of indigestible materials (bone, feathers, etc).

Many case studies have also indicated that cats and dogs that ate a balanced vegetarian diet were healthier than those who ate a meat-based diet, including those who exercised vigorously.

Why Is My Dog / Cat Eating House Plants?

You may see your pets nibbling on the houseplants from time to time. It’s a signal for the environmentalists. Some houseplants are dangerous, and they’re frequently produced with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. This isn’t always good for them.

Why don’t you just grow some microgreens in its place instead? It’s quite cost-effective and simple.

But, with over 87+ varieties of microgreens to choose from, how do you know which one to pick?

Can you use Catnip microgreens?

Yes, however 30% of cats do not have the genes to respond to the aroma of catnip at all. Also, until they are around 9 months old, kittens do not respond to catnip as well (teenager).

How can you get your dog or cat to eat microgreens?

You might begin by placing a tray of sunflower microgreens on the windowsill. It’s best to cover it for the first few days, since your pet may mistake it for a poop tray. Your pet will know where to look for sunflower seeds once they have germinated (approximately 1-2 days).

If that doesn’t work, another option is to include a tiny portion of microgreens twice a week in their meal.

After you’ve been feeding them on a regular basis for a bit, try an A/B test with different microgreens until you find the one that drives them crazy. You can also experiment with combining different microgreens for a better result. Because microgreens are supposed to be a supplement to the main diet, their volume should not exceed 8%.

Benefits of Microgreens for Pets

Why do you need microgreens if your cat/dog food is already a well-balanced diet? Pet food is certainly nutrient-dense, and they rarely require additional nutrients. As a result, adding 5-8 percent of a variety of greens to the main diet helps to diversify the nutrition obtained.

Kidney stones can affect cats and dogs as well. That’s why our companion animals eat greens for no apparent reason, even if no one instructs them to do so.

Read Here: Will microgreens give my pets kidney stones?

Microgreens also contain a variety of essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, proteins, dietary fiber, folate, antioxidants, and pigments. Some of these aren’t found in cat or dog food.

Overall, these trace chemicals play an important role in harmonizing biological functions. The following are some of the advantages:

  • To strengthen the immune system
  • It aids digestion.
  • Preventing a variety of malignancies, such as bladder cancer as per a study
  • Bone, hair, and tooth growth and development
  • Keep your hormones in check.
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Detoxification of the liver
  • Anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • Nerve and muscle function

There are other applications as well. According to WebMD, vegetables can be used as a laxative on occasion; for example, pumpkin can be used to treat moderate diarrhea. For overweight dogs, it’s also utilized as a calorie filter.

Read Here: How Microgreens Can help you with Weight Loss & Most effective Microgreens for Weight Loss?

What microgreens are safe for cats and dogs?

Our four-legged companions, like us, make their own decisions. Start with microgreens that you’re already familiar with, such as wheat-grass and sunflower. Most cats and dogs have a clear preference for these two.

The following microgreens are safe for cats and dogs:

  • Sunflower
  • Wheat grass (This is a favorite of both cats and dogs!)
  • Catnip
  • Lettuce
  • Mizuna
  • Parsley
  • Mung bean
  • Alfalfa
  • Kale
  • Pea
  • Broccoli
  • Radish
  • Red Clover
  • Lentils
  • Oat
  • Flex
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber

Adult dogs and cats should only be fed these microgreens. Watch how they react.

What Microgreens are not suitable for Cats and Dogs?

All microgreens are not suitable for pets, some must be avoided at all costs.

Although dogs are omnivores, their bodies do not function in the same way as humans’ do. As a result, eating too many microgreens can cause problems or even shut down their organs. In general, stay away from spicy, sour (citrus), bitter, sweet, and acidic microgreens.

Read Here: What do Microgreens Taste like? (29 Best Tasting Microgreens)

The following are some microgreens that cats and dogs should avoid or consume in small amounts:

  • Grapes, tangerine (Avoid the citrus plants)
  • Onion
  • garlic
  • chives
  • leek
  • Basil
  • Arugula
  • Sorrel
  • Spreen Magenta
  • Wasabi

Also, don’t force pets to eat brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts are well-known for releasing a lot of gas and causing bloating. Overeating them can also induce gassiness, gastrointestinal discomfort, and even diarrhea.

Are Microgreens Low FODMAP? (Do Microgreens help with IBS)

What do Microgreens Taste like? – 28 Best Tasting Microgreens