
What is a Microgreen? Definition, Height, Color, Health Benefits, FAQs

Microgreens Definition

It’s a brand-new term. Microgreens aren’t limited to vegetable greens.

Microgreens, for example, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including grain, herb (or micro herb), edible flower, and fruit.

Here you may learn about over 87 different types of microgreens.

The definition of microgreen is “micro + green,” which means “seedling type of a plant.”

Microgreens are a transitional stage between sprouts and baby greens. In other words,

  • sprouts are 2- to 5-day-old,
  • microgreens are 7- to 14-day-old,
  • and baby greens are 3- to 4-week-old.

Besides that…

Microgreens are also called as micro leaves, vegetable confetti, or miniature greens in some locations. In Chinese, it’s referred to as (càimiáo). Microgreens was originally known as “micro greens” or “micro-greens,” but it was later shortened to “Microgreens.”

You can buy online all varieties of Microgreens here.


Physical characteristics (Height, Colors)

Microgreens are typically cultivated to a height of 1-3 inches.

Farmers believe it is simple to grow them a few inches taller before harvesting. In the meantime, there are a few cotyledon leaves (seed leaves) and a few half grown true leaves.

Their color varies depending on the breed, but many are greens, pink/red, light brown/yellow, and purple. Microgreens will grow taller, bigger, and leggier if they are kept out of the light for 3-5 days (blackout period).

Read Here: Microgreens vs Sprouts – Similarities and Differences

Health Benefits of Microgreens

Vegetable consumption has been related to a lower risk of a variety of diseases.

This is most likely due to the high levels of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant chemicals found in them.

Microgreens have equivalent amounts of these nutrients, if not more, than mature greens. As a result, they may also lower the risk of the following illnesses:

Heart Problems

Microgreens contain a lot of polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that act together to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, research has indicated that eating microgreens in meals can lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and triglycerides.

Alzheimer’s disease (A type of dementia that affects people)

Some animal studies have suggested that meals high in polyphenols, such as microgreens, may help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


Because of their high antioxidant content, microgreens can aid in sugar uptake in the body’s cells. This can help to reduce a person’s risk of getting type 2 diabetes.


Microgreens are high in antioxidants, which may prevent cells from mutating and leading to cancer. Some malignancies can be prevented and treated with the polyphenol-rich antioxidants found in greens.

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Microgreens Are High In Nutrients

Microgreens are a nutrient-dense food.

While the nutritional value of each variety varies slightly, most are high in potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper.

Microgreens are also high in antioxidants and other useful plant chemicals.

Furthermore, because their nutritious content is concentrated, they often contain higher quantities of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than the same amount of mature greens.

Microgreen nutritional levels can be up to nine times higher than those found in mature greens, according to research comparing microgreens to more mature greens.

They also contain more polyphenols and other antioxidants than their mature counterparts, according to research.

Vitamin and antioxidant levels were tested in 25 commercially available microgreens in one study. These values were then matched to mature leaf levels in the USDA National Nutrient Database.

Despite the fact that vitamin and antioxidant levels varied, microgreens had up to 40 times higher amounts than more mature leaves.

However, not all studies yield the same results.

One study evaluated nutritional levels in sprouts, microgreens, and fully grown amaranth plants, for example. The fully grown vegetables often contained as much, if not more, nutrients than the microgreens, according to the study.

As a result, while microgreens appear to have higher nutrient levels than more mature plants, this might vary depending on the species.

Read Here:

Are Microgreens Safe to Eat?

Microgreens are typically regarded safe to consume.

Nonetheless, the potential of food illness is a concern. Microgreens, on the other hand, have a far lower potential for bacterium growth than sprouts.

Microgreens require slightly less warmth and humidity than sprouts, and only the leaf and stem are consumed, rather than the root and seed.

If you want to cultivate microgreens at home, make sure you get seeds from a reliable provider and use growth media that are free of hazardous germs like Salmonella and E. coli.

Peat, perlite, and vermiculite are the most popular growing mediums. Single-use growth mats designed exclusively for microgreens are thought to be very sanitary.

Read Here:

How to Include Microgreens in Your Diet

Microgreens can be consumed in a variety of ways.

Sandwiches, wraps, and salads are just a few of the items that may be made with them.

Microgreens can also be juiced or combined into smoothies. Wheatgrass juice is a popular example of a microgreen that has been juiced.

Use them as a garnish on pizzas, soups, omelettes, curries, and other warm dishes as well.

Read Here: Microgreens Recipes: 11 Delicious Ways to Eat Microgreens

What is the best way to grow Microgreens?

Microgreens are simple and convenient to grow because they don’t require much equipment or time. They can be grown indoors or outdoors all year.

What you’ll need is the following:

  • Seeds of high quality.
  • A healthy growing medium, such as potting soil or homemade compost in a container. You can also use a single-use growth pad made exclusively for growing microgreens.
  • Proper illumination — ideally, 12–16 hours of sunlight or ultraviolet lighting per day.


  • Fill your container with soil, being careful not to over-compact it, and lightly water it.
  • Spread the seed of your choice as evenly as possible on top of the soil.
  • Using a light mist of water, lightly spritz the seeds and cover your container with a plastic lid.
  • Check your tray on a daily basis and sprinkle the seeds with water as needed to keep them wet.
  • Remove the plastic lid a few days after the seeds have germinated to expose them to light.
  • While your microgreens grow and develop colour, water once a day.
  • Your microgreens should be ready to harvest after 7–10 days.

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What are the most Popular Microgreens?


Sango Radish MicrogreensThe radish microgreen has a spicy flavor to it. Its seeds grow quickly in both warm and cold temperatures, taking 1 to 2 days to germinate.

Due to their rapid germination, the greens can be harvested in as little as 5–10 days.

Buy Radish Microgreens Seeds Here


Broccoli Microgreens SeedsBroccoli is a common microgreen that is high in minerals, vitamins A and C, and iron.

Sulforaphane, a chemical found in the microgreen, is beneficial in the treatment of heart disease, cancer, and mental disorders.

Buy Broccoli Microgreens Seeds Here



Mesclun Microgreens SeedsMesclun is a salad mix made up of green leafy vegetables. Endive, arugula, chervil, baby spinach, sorrel, Swiss chard, dandelion, and other green vegetables are included in the Mesclun.

It’s made by mixing different seeds together in a single batch.

Buy Mesclun Microgreens Seeds Here


Beetroot microgreens have a light earthy flavor. They take a little longer to grow than any other microgreen.

Beetroot takes 3 to 4 days to germinate, and it takes 10 to 12 days to harvest. The microgreen is high in nutrients and has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Thegeosmin, which is also responsible for the flavor of catnip, is responsible for the sweet-salty taste of beets.

Buy Beetroot Microgreens Seeds Here 


Cress Microgreens SeedsBecause of its ease of germination, cress is an excellent microgreen for fresh gardeners. It has a strong peppery flavor that gets softer as it matures.

Buy Persian Cress Microgreens Seeds Here


The flavor of these microgreens is spicy. They can be found in salads, sandwiches, and a variety of other foods. These microgreen seeds germinate in 2 to 3 days and can be harvested in 5 to 7 days.

Buy Arugula Microgreens Seeds Here


Sunflower microgreens have a nutty flavor that is overpowering. Seeds must be presoaked for 12 to 24 hours before they are ready to germinate to increase germination.

Buy Black Sunflower Microgreens Seeds Here

Microgreens FAQs

How to use microgreens?

Microgreens can be used in a variety of ways.

For example, they’re commonly used to make:

  • Foods and beverages Salads
  • Seasoning soups or pottages
  • Sandwiches
  • Juicing
  • Appetizers
  • Microgreens powder
  • Stir-fries

There are plenty others! Burgers, pizza, wraps, omelettes, meat-based dishes, and a variety of desserts and entrees can all benefit from microgreens.

Read Here: Microgreens Recipes: 11 Delicious Ways to Eat Microgreens

Is it possible to freeze microgreens?

Microgreens, like other foods, can be frozen. However, many individuals choose to freeze microgreens for storage since it preserves their color, vitality, nutrients, and texture. Microgreens become a slimy mess and gloppy as a result of the freeze-thaw process, which deteriorates cell integrity. If there isn’t a good cause, try to avoid freezing them at all costs.

Microgreens can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days in normal conditions.

Can the microgreens be dried or dehydrated?

Microgreens can, of course, be dehydrated. Dehydration is ideal for soups, storing seasonings, grinding them into flour or microgreens powder, or snacking on them (sunflower microgreens, i.e.). There are also a few ways to dehydrate microgreens. One of the most well-known and straightforward methods is to use a dehydrator such as this one. As a result, it works nicely for me.

Microgreens can be dehydrated in the same way as other vegetables.

Can you cook microgreens?

Yes, of course! People prefer to prepare microgreens in a variety of ways. For example, briefly stir-frying the microgreens is the greatest approach to maintain crunchiness and nutrients. People in Asia like to cook them with a pinch of sugar, a little salt, butter/oil, garlic, soy source, and a pinch of salt (optional).

Cooking does alter the nutrients slightly, but it is an excellent way to eliminate many harmful microorganisms for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

Can you eat microgreens raw?

Surely! Raw microgreens are consumed. People prefer to eat them as soon as they are harvested from the ground (rinse lightly). Microgreens will be able to maintain all of their nutrients in this manner.

However, there are a few concerns. See this article for an explanation of the dangers, the type of infection (and symptoms) that can result from eating raw microgreens, as well as proper sanitization of homegrown microgreens.

All microgreens should not be consumed uncooked…

Radishes, for example, have a spicy flavor that makes them ideal for flavoring soups and salads. In fact, sunflower and fava bean microgreens have a nuttier, milder flavor, and children enjoy snacking on them.

Read Here: Are Microgreens Safe to Eat? (During Pregnancy, Home Grown, Raw)

Can microgreens be juiced?

Microgreens are typically used as a garnish, but they can also be added to a drink for an extra kick of flavor. But what about juicing them? Despite the fact that microgreens are extremely high in nutrients, as explained above, most people do so. Many microgreens have a softer, grassier flavor than drinking juice vegetables.

Wheatgrass and barley microgreens are the most popular microgreens used to make juice.

 What’s the deal with microgreens being so expensive?

This is an example of a free-form inquiry. After doing some careful counting, it became clear that the microgreens business is the most profitable and scalable.

Why are they so expensive, with prices ranging from $20 to $40 a pound?

Microgreens, in my opinion, are largely acquired and used by high-end restaurants and hotels who want to pay a reasonable price for high-quality organic vegetables. Restaurants are increasingly including microgreens on their menus as a result of media advertisements touting their health benefits.

Read Here:

What do the microgreen seeds comes from?

Microgreens seeds, like any other seed, are the plant’s source. There is a slight difference between ordinary seeds and microgreens seeds, according to legend.

All of the labeled microgreens seeds have been hand-picked to have a higher germination rate, making them suitable for immediate sprouting.

The performance of the different varieties of hybrids or heirloom seeds can vary because most microgreens seeds are also heirloom seeds, for example, a higher rate of germination and more consistent growth. These organic seeds have not been treated by default, such as with fungicides or protectants, until they are labeled.

Hybrid seeds have the best overall performance, although they aren’t as good as regular seeds. They will have a chance to fill out the parental form in reverse. Heirloom seeds, on the other hand, are more stable and less expensive.

To avoid further work in the future, I recommend that you obtain these seeds only from a reputable supplier.

Is it true that microgreens have been genetically modified?

GMOs, hybrids, and heirloom seeds should not be confused. The term “genetically modified organism” refers to an organism’s DNA being altered to obtain a desired result. It aids in the enhancement of production rate and resistance to numerous pathogens in food production, such as soy and corn. The term “hybrid” refers to seeds generated by plants that have been cross-pollinated.

Are the seeds of microgreens genetically modified? The majority of microgreens you find on the market these days are grown with organic heirloom seeds that are mostly non-GMO. If you’re not sure, check with your seed supplier before purchasing.

If you have any questions, please ask them here and I will do my best to answer them.


Microgreens are tasty and can be easily introduced into a variety of diets.

They’re also generally incredibly nutritious, and they may even lower your chance of contracting some ailments.

They’re a particularly cost-effective approach to enhance nutrient intake without having to buy big quantities of veggies because they’re easy to cultivate at home.

As a result, they’re a healthy complement to your diet.

Most effective Microgreens for Weight Loss (Nutrient Rich Microgreens)

How to Grow Microgreens Indoors in 10 Simple Steps (All the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions)